Thursday, March 27, 2014

Thursday Three

I skipped Thursday Three last week (I was on Spring Break and had a girl's day with my mom) but don't fret-it's not going anywhere!

First: Tattoo craze
Are you like me and you're too scared of the commitment of a real life tattoo? has awesome temporary tattoos! I've been waiting to try these out for warm weather (so I can show it off, duh) and now that consistent warmth is in Oklahoma's near future I'm excited to try them out!

Second: Pre-loved
Walk in my Closet, "your luxury consignment destination," is pretty cool. If you're looking for something that's a big name for a smaller price, check out this website! Loubiton, Chanel, Hermes, oh my.

Third: DIY
It's no secret that I love a good project... this tutorial for macrame dreamers from A Pair & A Spare is just, well, dreamy.


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