Wednesday, September 10, 2014

20-something last year of college problems

I am coming down with a serious case of wanderlust. Even more than usual, which means it's really, really bad.

My friend +Sierra Carter left on a six-week backpacking trip across Europe last week and I would give like everything I own to have her life right at this moment. She is so brave and once she decided she wanted to do it she did... something I am trying harder to be and do.

With this problem today every day I've done a lot of research on where I would go if I had the choice. I'm fascinated with finding the spots you wouldn't normally think to go when traveling to a certain country. Right here, right now, here is my top five:

1//Godalming, Surrey, UK
If you know me at all you know I am truly, madly, deeply in love with the movie The Holiday (there is never an inappropriate day or time or class to skip to watch The Holiday) and this is one of the two Surrey villages they shot some scenes in. Really cool, since half the movie is actually set in Surrey.

2//Kenmare, Co. Kerry, Ireland
Ireland is the first answer I give when asked "if you could go anywhere, where would it be?" Still getting all the beauty of Ireland (green everything, rolling hills, ocean, mountains, history) Kenmare still has quite a few things to do along the way.

3//Prague, Czech Republic
Speaking of being brave: friend of a friend Cameron recently sold nearly all of his belongings (including his car) to move to Prague. The pictures of his every day life are stunning and I would love to see the incredible colors and architecture in real life.

4//Gudvangen, Norway
Norway. Northern Lights. This. Swoon. It may be a popular tourist destination but who cares when you get to stare at that?

5//Lausanne, Switzerland
Pictured is the Escaliers Du Marche: some of these houses date back to 1719. Can you tell I'm a sucker for really old buildings? Lausanne sits on Lake Geneva and is largely car-free: perfect for old-fashioned exploration.

PS-for more travel inspo, visit my Pinterest!