Monday, July 7, 2014

Post-Chicago blues (and good pics)

The longer I stayed in Chicago, the more I loved it. The more I saw of it, the more I wanted to see. I'm sad that we didn't have more time (like, unlimited time) but I am so grateful for the experiences we had and the company I went with couldn't have been better.

Things that occured during our three-and-a-half-day-stay in Chi-town:
  • Panera Bread trash cans
  • Face slaps
  • Train rides
  • Bus rides
  • Uber/taxi rides
  • Thunderstorms
  • Drag Queens
  • Bad drinks
  • Good drinks
  • Good food
  • Urban Outfitters Surplus Store AKA my own personal heaven
  • Visits to old friends
  • Architecture
  • Accidental jazz music
  • Accidental romance
  • Ferris wheels and popcorn
  • Laughter and love. Lots of it.
Now for the good pics! (for more, visit my vsco)